
How to Bookmark

Table of Contents

How to Add a Bookmark from the Browser Extension

To add a bookmark from the browser extension, you can either right-click on a page or link and select Save as bookmark... or click the extension icon in your browser and select Save current URL.

Add bookmark from browser extension
Browser Extension in Google Chrome

If your browser doesn't support the browser extension, you can use the bookmarklet instead. See below for more information.

How to Install the Bookmarklet

If your browser doesn't support the browser extension, you can use the bookmarklet instead. A bookmarklet is a small piece of JavaScript code that you can save as a bookmark in your browser. When you click the bookmark, it will run the JavaScript code and do something on the current page - in this case, save the URL to the Bookmark Manager.

To install the bookmarklet, drag the following link to your bookmarks bar: Save to Bookmark Manager

When you are on a page you want to bookmark, simply click the bookmarklet in your bookmarks bar.

How to Add a Bookmark from the Web App

To add a bookmark from the web app, click the New button in the top right corner of the bookmarks area, next to the search bar.
A multi-step form will show up where you have to enter (or paste) the URL first. In the next step you can enter the title and description for the bookmark. In the last step you can add tags to the bookmark.

Screenshot of new bookmark form
New Bookmark Form

How to Add a Bookmark from the Mobile App

The easiest way to add a bookmark from the mobile app is to use the share functionality. Pretty much any mobile app lets you share a link to another app. Simply select the Bookmark Manager app from the share menu and the bookmark manager form will show up with the URL prefilled.

The share functionality is only available on Android right now. We are working on a solution for iOS.

Screenshot of the mobile share menu
Android Screenshot: Send Link to Bookmark Manager

If you want to enter the URL manually, you can also just click New Bookmark in the top right corner menu of the Bookmark Manager app. The multi-step form will show up, similar to the web app.

How to Add a Bookmark from the Desktop App

If you installed the desktop app, you can right-click the icon on your Homescreen, Dock or Taskbar to open the context menu with actions for New Bookmark and Search.

You can also use the New button in the top right when you have the app open.